eZPlatform 1-Installation

eZ Platform version 1 – deprecated

1.Inslallation Server & requirement Information
System Information:
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Php 5.6
Apache 2.4

System Requirement:
Take it from here: https://doc.ez.no/display/TECHDOC/Requirements

2.Inslallation of eZPlatform clean
2.1. Download from share.ez.no the latest ezpublish version
2.2. create Database & User
2.3.Creating the “app/config/parameters.yml” file (database & e-mail access)

2.4.Run installation command:
This will install an eZPlatform Clean (No content) Installation.

PS: eZ Studio can also a good descision at this Step, so that you can quickly and easily create content with drag and drop. the clean Installation require some KnowHow for creating content. See below if you want first to trust your self with a demo installation.

OR (Optional) Install eZ Plattform Demo (Demo Content):
PS: Maybe it is better to install a second eZ Plattform instance on your server to see how some content is used and do the same in your clean Installation.
At this step we get the demo throw the composer

2.5. Setup folder rights

More infos: https://doc.ez.no/display/TECHDOC/Installation

3.DEV VirtualHost
Change paths and ServerName


4.Prod VirtualHost
Change paths and ServerName


4.Access your installtion
PS: Don’t forget to use your ServerName
frontend dev : http://dev.ez201604.de/
backend dev : http://dev.ez201604.de/ez

frontend prod : http://prod.ez201604.de/
backend prod : http://prod.ez201604.de/ez


Good luck!