drupal8: create module with multiple route and custom Route Contoller Twig Template

In the most example of drupal8 you will experiment the Hello World module. This is just a demostration how you can create your custom module within the new drupal8 concept.

But your application can be more complicated as just a Hello World module, you want may be create one module, multiple route and a custom twig template for each route

User case is if you want to create your own module but managing a multiple Route within one module.

When you add a new yaml file you should uninstall the modul and insatll it again. I haven’t found other solution for this right now ! This will help you if you can’t see any changes when you add some configuration or yml files.Or when you get following error:
Theme hook YOUR-TEMPLATE not found.

Let say you want to create a module to manage contact and edit them. My Module in this case is named “mymodule”

Let start to create the diffrent route in “mymodule.routing.yml” file:


Add your Conroller in src folder with the name ContactController.php:

Create following yml file “mymodule.module”:

At the end just create the Twig templates within your templates folder:



So now, you are able to create diffrent routes and templates using Drupal8 and transfer variables from the controller to the twig template
using your own business logic operations.

Drush8 Drupal8 on unix system

First install composer for all projects(Required User root)

Then change directory to to the Drupal8 installtion and edit composer.json and add the drush line:

at the end update compser with: (Required User www-data)

if permissions Problem:


clear cache with: (Required User www-data)

or if you have your own site: