In Part 1 of this tutorial , we have prepared the Database Handler Class, the TableDefintion Class where other Tables can be also defined.
The User class ensures reading and writing user data from the database.
In this part we will use the available business logic to create and getting some user information.
I will just give the database code snapshot used in the activity that you have to implemented in your activity, Please read the comment inside.
import de.webandappsolution.Database.DatabaseHandler; import de.webandappsolution.Database.User; import de.webandappsolution.Database.TableDefintion.TableUser; import android.database.Cursor; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; //Now inside your method , create the DatabaseHandler class instance SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs(this); DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(this); // you have to set the ID,NAME,EMAIL and password. //TIPP: The user password can you hashed before. Maybe using md5 function. db.addUser(new User(ID,NAME, EMAIL, PASSWORD)); Log.d("DatabaseHandler", "DatabaseHandler: User is created");
we need the addUser() Method. This can be extended in the DatabaseHandler class:
//add this code in the DatabaseHandler class: //..... public void addUser(User user) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase(DB_PASSWD); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(TableUser.USER_ID, user.getID()); values.put(TableUser.USER_NAME, user.getName()); values.put(TableUser.USER_EMAIL, user.getEmail()); values.put(TableUser.USER_PASSWORD, user.getPasswordhash()); // Inserting Row db.insert(TableUser.DB_USER_TABLE, null, values); Log.d("DatabaseHandler", "DatabaseHandler: User created"); db.close(); // Closing database connection }
I will prefer to write the different user operation (CRUD) in another class like so that the DatabaseHandler class can only create and update the database and tables. But this is not a part of this tutorial.
Now the user should be available in the database. If we want to pick up the user data, we can add some code in the same or another activity.We will go throw all the rows in the user database table and we will compare the given email address from the view with this one saved in the USER_EMAIL column in the database table:
//add this code to your activity: // you have to pass the email addreess string before. Let say from the view: EditText emailInput = (EditText) findViewById(; String email = emailInput.getText().toString().trim(); SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs(this); DatabaseHandler db = new DatabaseHandler(this); Cursor cursor = db.getUser(db); cursor.moveToFirst(); boolean loginstatus = false; do { if( email.equals(cursor.getString(2)) ) { loginstatus = true; } }while(cursor.moveToNext()); if(loginstatus){ Log.d("DatabaseHandler", "DatabaseHandler: Email address found"); }else{ Log.d("DatabaseHandler", "DatabaseHandler: Email address not found"); }
Now we have to add the getUser() method inside the DatabaseHandler class.
Note: getString(2) is the second selected value from the query. The index is in the columns String below
public Cursor getUser(DatabaseHandler databasehandler){ SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(DB_PASSWD); //Note:getString(0) == TableUser.USER_ID and getString(2) == TableUser.USER_EMAIL String[] columns = {TableUser.USER_ID,TableUser.USER_NAME,TableUser.USER_EMAIL}; Cursor cursor = db.query(TableUser.DB_USER_TABLE , columns, null, null, null, null, null); return cursor; }
In the addUser() and the getUser() method we give always the Database Password to decrypt the requested data . The DB_PASSWD String is defined in the variable definition in the DatabaseHandler class.
In Part3 we will try to get and view the SQLite database from the device and decrypt it using SQLiteManager for windows.
go to Part3 : SQLCipher for Android Tutorial, encrypt and backup SQLite database[Part3]